
Coins for a Cure Campaign Logo

This graphic was created for a campaign to benefit the Open Medicine Foundation (OMF). The colors used are shades of the OMF primary colors. One ...
Image of The Great Seal of the State of California

Vector Graphic Conversion | The Great Seal of the State of California

The client provided a low- to medium-quality image and requested conversion to Adobe Illustrator or Encapsulated Postscript file format. After a bit of research, I ...

SLOFAB | Custom Metal Fabrication Website

This is a WordPress site using StudioPress Genesis Framework and Executive Pro theme. The client, a newly-formed small business, was very open-ended in their requirements ...

Multi-discipline Engineering Projects

Designed various public works projects as a garrison engineer for the US Army in and around Baghdad International Airport, Iraq. Most projects began with site ...

Business Continuity Plans

Developed contingency response plan for 3500-person corporate campus in geographically-separated areas of metro Los Angeles, California. The plan detailed engineering recovery during/after disasters. Re-wrote existing ...

Civic Center Functional Programming

Met with executives from 14 county departments to understand adjacency, workflow, and space requirements. Developed functional programming studies involving demographic analysis and 20-year staff projections, site ...

Custom Geographical User Interface

Civic Center Capital Improvement Program Management Protocol Development of program management protocol to aid city in management of current and future CIP projects. A geographical ...

Various Mechanical Engineering Projects

Improve High Temperature Hot Water Piping Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota. Design-build drawings for replacement of existing utility lines including cathodic protection. Construction manager ...

Tenant Improvement for Mission-critical Operations Center

A high-priority, extremely fast-paced project to construct a secure facility for collecting and analyzing rapidly-evolving operational data. Conducted pre-design site assessment and briefed site plan alternatives to ...


WordPress+Genesis+Beaver Builder: Conditionally Enqueue Scripts to Band-aid Misbehaving Plugins

Ran into a problem with an external piece of code on a WordPress site that uses Genesis Framework + Beaver Builder (BB). The BB editor would fail to open or be slow to open. Usually a page refresh would fix ...

Fixing Annoying Linux Server Configuration Issues

Nginx returns 413 – Request Entity Too Large when attempting to upload a file larger than 2 MB In /etc/nginx/nginx.conf , add this line or change the existing line to: client_max_body_size 256M;   WordPress reports The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in ...

Solved: Update Failed Could Not Create Directory WordPress IIS / WordPress Windows

Most of my website work has involved Linux servers. On a few occasions, however, I’ve been lucky enough to deal with a WordPress Windows installation. A common problem I’ve run in to with the WordPress IIS combination is the all-too-frustrating ...

How I Fixed the “Update Interrupted” Cycle on Plantronics Backbeat Fit

I have an iPhone 7 Plus and was having problems installing firmware on the Plantronics Backbeat Fit. The firmware installation process would make it about 40% through, then the headset would disconnect and go through an “Update Interrupted” cycle, over ...

Your DIRECTV Remote Control is Inexpensive to Replace

I was trying to change the channel with my DIRECTV remote control and it wouldn’t work. Naturally, I swapped out the batteries and tried again. Still nothing. I kept going through my internal troubleshooting checklist until I realized that it ...

Patch Cable-Untangle Your Digital Life with a 10-pack of Shorty Cat6 Cables

Whether you’re an average everyday computer user or a networking equipment installer, no one enjoys looking at the jumbled mass of patch cable encircling your computer equipment, often with three or four feet of patch cable slack wound up and secured ...