Designed various public works projects as a garrison engineer for the US Army in and around Baghdad International Airport, Iraq. Most projects began with site surveys and meeting with tenant base units to understand occupant requirements and validate facility shortfalls. After establishing priorities and realistic schedules, developed design-build criteria including AutoCAD drawings and scope documents. Responsible for funds justification and document preparation for approval by legal team and joint facilities utilization board at the corps headquarters, supporting contracting officers during bid marketing and review, project management, and on-site construction management during execution.
Partial Project Listing:
- Conference Building. $200,000
- Supply Building. $500,000
- Dining Facility Sidewalks. $50,000
- Barn Renovation for Operations Center. $190,000
- Facility Improvement for Company Tactical Operations Center. $140,000
- Perimeter Lighting. $1,800,000
- Antenna Towers. $250,000
- Heavy Weapons Test Fire Pit
- Explosive Ordnance Disposal Safe Holding Area. $250,000
- Various Entry Control Point Bridge and Road Widening Projects. $230,000
- Various Road Improvements. $2,400,000